
Safe removal of electrical services for building demolitions on the Central Coast

If you are planning a building demolition on the Central Coast, it is important that a qualified electrician conducts the removal of the electrical services. Planning for a demolition is the best way to ensure that it proceeds safely and that all workers are protected. Trade unions may require inspection of your plans for safe removal of the electrical services-our Novatrend electricians can provide these plans.

There may be overhead cables, meters and underground cables that require safe removal. Central Coast electricity companies may need notification of your demolition works and plans made for return of meters and other assets. Novatrend Electrical can assist you with this and also advise you on the safest and most cost effective electrical removal process, in line with OH&S best practice for demolition work.

Environmentally friendly recycling of electrical components and services

In addition to safe removal of the electrical services prior to your demolition, we will recycle redundant services in line with our commitment to the Central Coast environment.

Please contact Novatrend Electrical on the Central Coast as soon as possible regarding your demolition plans so that we can make the necessary arrangements with your electricity supplier.